Sunday, December 13, 2015

Author 2.7

"Stop crying already! I'm trying to sleep!" I woke to Izzy yelling at her sister. We had moved Melina's crib into Izzy's room right after her birthday. I had hoped they would get along better, but so far I woke almost every morning to the same thing. I made my way down the hall to get Melina.
"Izzy, I've told you before, yelling at your sister doesn't help." I said as I picked up Melina. "Sorry daddy, but she's so noisy. Can't I have my own room again?" Izzy had asked that nearly every day since Melina moved into her room. "I've already told you, you have to share your room now. That's just the way it is." "Ugh, fine" she answered me heading out of the room. I followed behind carrying Melina, the three of us heading down the stairs for breakfast. When Shirley turned the water on, it went spraying everywhere. "Agh!" She said putting her hands out attempting to stop the water, once she got the water turned off I came over to look at the sink.

Shirley headed upstairs to clean up.  Someone had rigged it to spray everywhere. I turned and looked around trying to figure out who would have done this when I saw Izzy covering her face, trying not to laugh. "Izzy. Did you do this to the sink?" I asked. "No daddy, it wasn't me. I think it was Melina." She answered me as serious as she could. "You know that's a lie Isabella, Melina didn't do this, I'll ask you one more time. Did you do this?" I was angry that she would blame Melina. "Yes. I did it." Izzy finally said. "I just thought it would be funny. I'm sorry daddy." "Well don't expect to go anywhere this evening, you will come straight home after school,  you're grounded." I told her. She shot me a dirty look as she headed out the door to catch the bus. "What did she say?" Shirley asked as she came back down the stairs. "She admitted she did it cause she thought it would be funny. I grounded her when she gets home from school today." "Hope that stops it" Shirley said as she picked Melina up from the highchair. "Come here baby, momma's got you." She sat Melina down on the floor and started teaching her to talk.
I took a seat at the computer and started on my latest novel. I had become a master painter and author, so my books were best sellers. When Izzy got home I was still working on my book, I looked up in time to see her sneaking into the living room. "Upstairs now!"  I said startling Izzy. "Fine." She huffed as she stomped upstairs to her room.
I had hoped grounding Izzy would deter her from more pranks, but it only seemed to encourage them. We dealt with everything from hair dye in the showers to whoopee cushions on all the chairs. I had tried everything to punish her, grounding didn't work, taking away her toys didn't matter, and to top it all off her birthday was here, so now I was going to have to deal with a teenager. I was at my wits end with Izzy, so I went to mom for advice. "What do I do with her, everyday its a new prank, no punishment seems to deter her." Mom sat there for a minute before answering me "Perhaps she just wants your attention. You are busy with Melina and work, and she doesn't get you all to her self anymore." I hadn't even thought that she was doing these pranks for attention.

I decided to sit down and have a talk with Izzy. "Izzy, please come down here" I called. She was grounded yet again. "What?" She said as she came down. "We need to talk, I need to know why you keep pranking everyone?" I asked as she sat at the table. "It's the only way anyone notices me now" she said. "You and Shirley are always at work or busy with that stupid baby, the only one who cares anymore is Granny." I was taken aback by what she said. "I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were feeling neglected Izzy. I promise we can spend more time together if you want." I apologised. "Doesn't matter, I still have to share you" she was jealous. "Yes you do, but I still love you." I said, she was getting mad. "Whatever" she said as she got up from the table and stomped back upstairs. Her birthday was tomorrow, so I planned for all of us to be home for her party. We had a very small party, just family. We cheered as Izzy made a wish and blew out her candles, becoming a teenager at last.


Author 2.6

"Mom! It's time!" I shouted as Shirley and I rant to the door on our way to the hospital. Izzy was just coming in the door from school "where are you going? Is it time for the baby to come out?" She asked. "Yes it is sweetie" I answered stopping to talk with her. "Can I come, pretty please?" Izzy pleaded. "Sorry, but you have to stay here with granny,  when we get home you can meet your new sibling." I answered as I Shirley motioned for me to hurry up.

I got in the car and we raced to the hospital, Shirley's contractions were coming pretty regularly now. We pulled into the parking lot and I helped her get out of the car and inside the hospital. The nurse ushered us into to the delivery room and got Shirley situated, while I anxiously awaited the birth of our child. After labouring for 8 hours our beautiful baby girl was born, Melina Renee Laveau weighing 7lbs 9oz. We stayed the night and were released first thing the next morning. "Mom, Izzy, we're home" I called as we walked through the door. Izzy came running as fast as she could "let me see!, let me see!" she shouted waking  Melina. "Shhh Izzy. Not so loud" I said as we made our way into the house. "Come sit over here on the couch and you can hold her." Izzy scrambled up onto the couch as fast as she could, I placed Melina in her arms and she had the biggest smile on her face. "I'm Izzy, I'm your big sister" I heard her whisper to Melina. When Melina started to cry, Shirley scooped her up and took her upstairs to her crib. We put the crib in our room for now, once Melina was a bit older we would move her into Izzy's room. Everyone loved  Melina, most of the time she was being held by either mom or  Shirley.
"Dad, will you help me build a snowman?" Izzy asked one day. "Sorry, daddy's busy writing right now, why don't you see if Granny wants to help?" I answered looking up from the novel I was working on. "Fine" she muttered as she went looking for mom. After I finished my work, I went to check on Izzy and mom. I found them out in the back making snowmen. For some reason mom made hers look like the grim reaper, Izzy's was a normal snowman.

When they got too cold they came back in and sat by the fire to warm up. "Izzy, I got something for you" mom said getting up and heading for her room. "What is it?" Izzy asked following her across the house. "You'll see" mom said entering her room. When she came out she handed Izzy a present, Izzy wasted no time tearing into it. "Wow! A camera! Thanks Granny, I love it!" Izzy cried. "Mom, don't you think that's a bit much for a child Izzy's age?" I asked. "Nonsense, Ryu. She's my baby, let me spoil her" I just shook my head and went upstairs to check on Shirley. She and Melina were sound asleep, so I decided to join them for a nap.
Time passed too quickly, and before I knew it Melina's birthday was here. We had just a small family gathering and Shirley helped blow out the candles, while the rest of us sang happy birthday. In the blink of an eye, an adorable toddler sat before me, no longer a baby, who had inherited mom's hair color. We enjoyed the cake and talked of the next birthday to come up. Soon it would be Izzy's birthday, and she would be a teenager.

Author 2.5

We got married as soon as we could at city hall, having been married before, neither one of us wanted to have another wedding. Izzy and mom served as our witnesses, Izzy cheered and mom cried as I kissed my new bride. Shirley was a perfect fit for our family. She and Izzy got along great, Shirley redecorated our room and when Izzy saw she wanted her room redone too. Shirley was only too happy to do so. Shirley loved helping Izzy with her homework, and I was happy to let her. Life was good. I was happy. Watching shirley and izzy, I realized all that we had missed out on not having Carlotta around.

As we were getting ready for bed one night Shirley said something that made my heart stop for a second "Ryu, I think I'm pregnant." I just stood there in shock, how could this be? We had been so careful, neither one of us planned on more kids. "What? How?" That was the only thing I managed to get out. "I don't know how, all I know is I'm pretty sure I am. I'll go get a test in the morning and find out for sure." I tried to sleep, but my thoughts kept me Awake. I was making plenty of money with my books and wanted to retire early so I could do some traveling, and  I had Izzy's college fund covered, but having another baby meant working longer and putting our plans on hold. We'd be older parents, would we be able to keep up with a child at our age? The more I thought about it the more I was sure having a baby was not a good idea. As I dozed off and on memories of Izzy as a baby flooded through my mind, then I thought of all the things I'd missed out on with Izzy, I missed her first steps, her first words, I'd spent most of my time at work, and mom was the one to teach Izzy those things. Perhaps another baby would give me a second chance at being a father. Perhaps having a baby wasn't the end of the world after all. With that peace of mind I drifted off to a sound sleep.
As morning came, I was secretly hoping Shirley was indeed pregnant.

When I woke Shirley was already back from the store with the test. We hurried into the bathroom, as we waited for the test to be ready I took Shirley's hands and said "whichever way this goes, I'm okay with it" Shirley picked up the test and said "well daddy, you better start picking out names" I grabbed her and pulled her in for a kiss. 


That evening once mom and Izzy got home we told them the good news, mom was thrilled, she had always wanted a large family, Izzy was a bit unsure, "so, you're not going to be my daddy anymore?" She asked on the verge of tears. "Yes sweetie, I'll still be your dad, but I'll be this baby's dad too" that seemed to quell her fears. "Is it a boy or girl baby?" Izzy asked. "Well, we don't know yet. We won't know till its born" Shirley answered. "I want a girl baby, so I can play with her." Izzy said as she ran off to go play. "She has a good point Shirley" I said. "A girl could share a room with Izzy, if it's a boy, we'd have to find somewhere to put him" Shirley just looked me and smiled.

As her pregnancy progressed, she and Izzy became even closer. Izzy was always wanting to feel the baby kick, she thought it was the coolest thing. The months past quickly and before I knew it it was time to become a dad again.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Author 2.4

The weeks following Carlotta's departure were rough. She called a few times before I finally answered, she wanted to come by  to get her things. I told her to take the bedroom set, I didn't want to ever see it or her again. I filed for divorce, and she readily signed the papers, ready to be done with us. She moved in with Uriah soon after, and I was left to raise Izzy alone.I was a mess, I hadn't written anything in a while, if not for mom's income I don't think we would have made it. I put everything that I had into raising Izzy.

Mom's birthday came and went, neither of us felt like celebrating. To get my mind off my failed marriage, I threw myself into painting. At first I was horrible, but as time went by I got better and soon I was making a bit of money from my work.

The next few years past in a blur, and before I knew it Izzy was off to school, she had loved to watch me paint when she was younger, so I bought her her very own easel. We set it up right next to mine and we would spend hours painting together. 

I love my little girl, I gave her everything I could, she was my little princess. She had quite the artistic streak and soon her paintings were selling for more than mine. Mom doted on her just as much as I did, she loved Izzy, and I don't think I would have made it through the divorce with out her.

Carlotta never made any attempt to have a relationship with Izzy, though I heard she and Uriah had a baby girl together, I never told Izzy, knowing it would crush her to find out.

Life fell into a pleasant routine, I painted while Izzy was at school, then helped her with her homework when she got home, followed by dinner, then more painting with Izzy, a bedtime story, then bed. Life was good.

One day I got a call from a woman named Shirley Lin, she was a doctor, and had gotten my number from a friend to see about commissioning a painting.
I met her at the diner to make it a bit less formal. To paint a proper painting I had to get to know the client. "So what kind of painting were you looking for?" I asked Shirley. "Well I want something modern, yet with a classic feel." She said between bites. She was beautiful, and I couldn't help but notice. "Do I have food on my face?" She asked, realising I had been staring. ", sorry I shouldn't have been staring, you must think I'm weird." I stammered. "It's alright, I've kinda been staring at you too." She said while blushing. We ended up staying out all night just talking. She was divorced as well, with two teenage sons. Her husband kicked her out, and the boys decided to stay with their dad, so she didn't get to see them often.

We had been dating for almost a year and I knew I was in love. I never thought I'd feel this way again, but I knew  I needed to talk to Izzy before I took the next step . "Izzy, we need to talk" I said as we sat down for dinner. "About what daddy?" She said. "Well" I started, "You know I Shirley and I have been seeing alot of each other, and I wanted to know what you think of her?" I asked. "She's okay" Izzy replied as she took another bite. "Would you be okay with her becoming a part of our family" I asked finishing my last bite. Izzy just stared at me for a moment then jumped out of her chair squealing, "Yes! Yes! A new mom!" I couldn't help but laugh, glad she was happy with the idea.
That evening I invited Shirley over for dinner, as soon as we were done Izzy gathered up the dishes saying " I'll do these, you have important things to discuss" what's she talking  about?" Shirley asked confused. "Well" I started, taking Shirley's hand "I never thought I'd fall in love again, but I have, and I never want to spend a moment away from you. Will you marry me?" She stood still for a moment, then very softly I heard "yes. Yes I will".