Friday, November 16, 2018

Fae 5.15


"Mom?" Sebastian said as he looked up. "I'm here" I said. "I'm so sorry mom." He said, his voice cracking. "They said I'm scheduled for something called clipping in a few days. I'm scared, mom."  "It's going to be okay" I said trying to convince myself just as much as Sebastian. Before I knew it I heard Martin behind me. "Charity, it's time" he led me back towards the entrance. "Martin, what's going to happen to him?" I asked as we neared the desk. "He mentioned something called clipping?" " With a sigh Martin sat down before he said "it's the most severe punishment the Fae have. There have only been three Fae that have endured clipping, Sebastian will be number four. He will be forced to ingest a potion that if he survives will render him mortal. He will be stripped of his wings, he will be human." 

I was in a daze as I traveled back home. "He will be human" Martin's words echoed in my mind. How could they do this to their own kind? Not only would he be human, but he would also likely be banished. I doubted that they would let him stay. As I got home I broke down, all the tears I had been holding back came rushing out.

Three days later Sebastian was returned to us. He survived. He was human. Kai helped me get him to his room, he was so weak. "Mom?"  "I'm here Sebastian." I said as he drifted off to sleep. Sebastian slept for hours, but even when awake he was so weak he stayed in bed. I knew what he was going through. When I became a Fae, I remember how much lighter I felt. His was the opposite, mortality was heavy. 

A few days after Sebastian came home, Martin was at my doorstep once more, though this time I wasn't pleased to see him. " You already took is wings, what more do want?" I snapped at him. He hung his shoulders and said, "I'm not here for Sebastian"

He was here for my husband. Sebastian's sentence wasn't enough to appease the Vampires, war had been declared. 

"Malakai" Martin started, "you are hereby conscripted into the Fae army" Kai was the only one who had first hand knowledge of the potion that would kill vampires. He was the only one who had used it in hundreds of years. "What if I refuse?" Kai asked. "I have my orders to bring you in by what ever means necessary." Martin said with a pointed stare at me. 

"Understood" Kai said. "Can I say goodbye first?"  "Very well" Martin said as he moved towards the edge of our yard, giving us a small bit of privacy. "Charity, I love you. With all that I am, I love you. This isn't goodbye, I will see you again" I couldn't speak, all I could do was kiss my husband as if I may never see him again, Then he was gone. Once they were out of my sight, I broke down in tears. 

Several hours later Martin returned. I was still on the porch where he has left me. "What now? What more will you take?"  "Charity, I apologise, I am only doing my duty, but this I won't do." He ran inside, up the stairs and into the nursery. I was right behind him. "Charity, the council feels the child is an abomination. They sent me for him, this I refuse to do. He is innocent." Martin said handing him to me. And picking up my son. "I'm getting you away from here."  Rousing Sebastian Martin made his way out of the house and to a portal where Rochelle and her husband were waiting. "Charity" Martin said as he opened the portal. "You must go"  I sent Sebastian through with the boys first and turned around for Rochelle, but she hadn't moved. "Come on." I said reaching out to her. "Mom, I can't go. I have to stay here." I hugged her tight and told her I'd always love her and one day we'd be together again. Then I stepped through the portal and joined what was left of my family on the other side. 

Fae 5.13

Telling Sebastian to leave was the hardest thing I'd ever done. It had to be done, for all our sakes.

Time went on, Rochelle came home for a visit and I filled her in on everything that had happened. She filled me in on her new boyfriend, he was also her dance partner. She showed me photos of the two of them, and they looked perfect together.
The time soon came for me to give birth. I had a beautiful baby boy. I just wished his brother and sister were there.
Seventeen. My babies were all but grown up.

Eighteen. My babies were eighteen today. Rochelle had graduated a few weeks ago, and was coming home with a surprise, in the next few days. Sebastian, I hadn't heard from since he left. And my baby was almost a year old, now.

Rochelle came home, and her surprise was better than I could have imagined. "Mom, dad, I've got something to tell you" Rochelle said looking at each of us. "We're engaged, and I'd like to have our wedding here" she said holding on to her boyfriend's hand. I was so happy, I'm sure I was smiling like a crazy person. "Oh honey, I'm so happy for you! I'm honored you want to have the wedding here!". Her boyfriend was a mainlander, a true fae. He came from a very old, very prestigious family, so it was surprising that he agreed to getting married here amongst the outcasts.
We soon set to work on wedding plans. "Have you thought about a dress?" I asked Rochelle. "I've actually already picked one out, it's more modern than most fae use, but I've honored his family by using their family color in the dress." She went on to explain that mainlander families all had a specific color, now only used for special occasions, but it used to be a way of identifying individual families. With the dress settled, Kai and boyfriend set to work making an arch for he an Rochelle to get married under.

Several weeks later we were finally ready for the wedding, it was set to take place on Saturday. Following the wedding, Rochelle had decided they would stay with us for a few days, then they'd be off to start their new life on the mainland. Saturday morning I spent helping Rochelle into her dress, makeup and hair. She looked beautiful. "Ready?" I asked as we made our way towards the back yard. "I've never been readier" she answered as we took our places.

I stood on one side with Kai on the other, as Rochelle and boyfriend stood under the arch and exchanged vows. As long as their was at least one witness, fae law considered the marriage valid. They exchanged vows both in the common tongue and ancient fae. As they kissed for the first time as newly weds, we all heard a voice behind us. "Mom, help me"