Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Rebel 3.1

When I awoke the next morning, I knew exactly what I was going to do. I just had to time it exactly. I got dressed in something that I knew Shirley would approve of and headed down to breakfast. We all ate in silence, the adults were still mad at me. Whatever, I was going to have some fun today. As soon as the bus arrived I ran out the door making sure that dad saw me get on. As soon as school let out I took off, I headed into town to the salon. I hated the way I looked, my hair took too much work, I was too chunky to wear the cute clothes, so I am putting my plan into action. Step one, a new hair style. I walked in and sat down telling the girl what I wanted, "I want it pretty short, with purple tips." after a while she turned me around to the mirror, "perfect!" I cried. Dad was going to flip.

Next step, I wanted my nose and lip pierced. I had asked for my birthday, but they said no. Well, I don't know the meaning of the word no, so I did it anyway. My next step would take a bit longer, but I was going to get skinny if it killed me. Unfortunately I stayed out a bit too late and the next thing I know I hear sirens, "Have you any idea what time it is young lady?" the officer said. "Umm..." was all I could get out. "Get in we're taking you home" Crap. Not good.
As we pulled up to the house, dad was waiting at the door. "ISABELLA MARIE LAVEAU! Get in this house RIGHT NOW!" He used my full name, I was really in for it now this was the second time in a month I'd been brought home by the cops. Not good.  As I went inside I heard him apologize to the officer for my being out, and he promised it wouldn't happen again. Yea, right. Like I wasn't going to do it again. I would just be more careful to not get caught. I was sitting at the table when dad came back in. "You are in so much trouble, Isabella. Since grounding didn't work, let's try house arrest.You won't even be allowed to leave for school. I will talk to your teachers and have them email your assignments here. Since you want to be irresponsible like a child I will treat you like one. You WILL remove those piercings, right now." Dad was livid, but I couldn't give in, I had to be me. "No, I'm not removing them and you can't make me." I got up and walked upstairs to my room as fast as I could, leaving dad dumbfounded. I changed and went to bed with a smile on my face. 

I spent the next week on lockdown, it sucked. I had to help around the house and babysit Melina. The only good thing about it was that it gave me time to work on my painting, and my new body. By the end of the week I was finally in the shape I wanted to be, and had mastered painting, so it turned out not to such a punishment after all. Saturday came and it was Melina's birthday, It was obvious that we were very different, all she wanted to wear was dresses, and as sooo polite, a little goody, goody. Dad and Shirley had ordered new furniture for our room. It was okay, though yet again, I got no say.

 That night once everyone was asleep I snuck out, I just had to check out the new club in town. Sure I was technically a few years too young, but I got in and had my first drink. Or two,  or maybe it was a few. I even managed to get back home without anyone noticing me, or so I thought. As I was crawling into bet I heard Melina say "I'm gonna tell mom and dad you went out" "You will not, If you do you'll be sorry" I threatened as I rolled over and went to sleep. I guess she took me seriously, since she never did rat me out.

FREEDOM!! My house arrest was at an end at last! I had watched this video of someone doing street art, it looked so cool. I couldn't wait to try it. Now that I was free to come and go, I went down to the store and bought all the things I would need for street art. Now to give it a whirl, I decided to start with our driveway since I couldn't get into too much trouble here, it felt so natural. As soon as I was done I called everyone out to look.Of course they did not approve. "Get the hose and wash this off right now!" Dad said. "No!" I yelled, "This is my art, you wanted me to learn to paint and I did, now I want to learn this!" With a huff dad gave in "Alright Izzy, just keep it to a minimum, and keep it at our house, please." Yes! I won!

After school a few weeks later dad had a surprise for me as I came in, "Shirley and I got you something, we hope you like it" Dad sat a nice case down on the table, at first I thought it was the guitar I had asked for, dad had said no to that too. "It's not a suitable instrument for a young lady" so instead I got a violin, hooray...


  1. Um...why isn't a guitar a suitable instrument for a young lady???? Sexist comment much???

    LOL her rebelling. I'm surprised he didn't say anything about her hair.

    1. Yea, he's old school. Especially knowing how rebellious she is, I think he figured the violin was a safer option, no chance of wild band antics with the violin I guess
