Saturday, October 8, 2016

Composer 4.10

I finally made it! I was a composer! I had been given the chance to write a piece for an upcoming movie, and If the director liked it then I would get to do all the music. Well they liked what I had come up with, so I got to do the movie. That job turned into more jobs and before I knew it everyone wanted me to compose their music. I had been so busy with my job, that I missed Charity's birthday.

 I got her a cake before I headed out, but wasn't able to be there. She was fifteen. She still insisted on becoming an acrobat, I still didn't like it but I knew even without my support she would do it anyway. The Laveau blood was strong with her, I think she inherited mom's rebellious streak. So I enrolled her in some extra classes and let her go to the show whenever it was in town. I told her I would support her choice on one condition, she had to keep her grades up and she would go to college.

By the time Charity was seventeen, she was at the top of her class both in dance and academically, I knew she would be going to a top college next year.

"Aunt Berlin!" Charity hollered as she came in the front door. "In here." I called from my office. "you'll never believe what they told us in dace class today, they're looking for a dancer to join the company, and they offered me an audition!" She was so excited she was practically jumping up and down. "That's great Charity, but before you get all excited, I need to know a few things." I began. "How long would you be gone for, what about school?" "Well" Charity started. "It would be for at least a year, longer if they needed me, and I can do my school online. Please say yes." I wanted to, but I just couldn't, she was too young.
 "Charity" I said " I'm happy they offered you the audition"
"But you're not going to let me tryout are you?"
"I just think you're a bit too young for that right now, maybe when you're older."
 "I'm seventeen and this is a once in a lifetime opportunity! I'll never have a chance like this again!"
"Yes you will, you're still young. You will have plenty of opportunities in your life. My answer is no. End of discussion."
"whatever" At that Charity walked upstairs and I heard her bedroom door slam. I sat down and went back to work. I knew she was upset, but she would get over it eventually.

The next few days we hardly spoke to each other. If I got home first, she would head straight upstairs to her room and if she was home first as soon as I walked in she would leave the room. I figured I'd just give her some space and she'd come around. After several days of the silent treatment enough was enough, I got home late one evening and went straight upstairs to deal with Charity only to find she wasn't home. I called her phone, no answer, I called around to the few friends that she had, but no one had seen her, so I checked with the dance studio, but they were already closed. Where was she? I was trying not to worry, but she'd never done anything like this. I sat down on the couch trying to think of what to do next, I had such a headache so I lay back on the couch. Next thing I know it's morning. I ran upstairs and checked her room, but the bed hadn't been slept in. I was starting to get worried, I called the school to see if she had made it, but they said she wasn't there either. Now I was panicking, With shaking hands I called the police. " Hello? Yes I need to report a missing person. Yes I'll hold." I paced back and forth across the room while I waited for someone to answer. "Hello? Yes I need to report a missing- forty-eight hours? Yes I understand." After they hung up on me, I sat down and cried. Where could she be?

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