Friday, August 19, 2016

Composer 4.9

Life with a toddler was interesting, Charity was constantly getting into something. She was a bright child and learned to talk easily, walking however she was a bit behind in. The doctor said she was just a bit delayed since she was so early and she would catch on soon. She did finally when she was almost three.

 got offered a spot in an orchestra, in Paris. I jumped at the opportunity. I didn't have any reason really to stay in Bridgeport, and there were too many memories in this apartment, so I moved. The nanny was willing to come with us to Paris, so I paid her way as well as ours. Paris was amazing, I got us a small house right in the center of town. 

Charity wasn't very stable on her feet. She had been walking for six months, but still fell a lot. When I asked the doctor about it, he said since she was so early she was just behind, she would catch up soon. He also suggested a dance class might help, since it would teach her balance. I looked up toddler dance classes and found one that would take charity. She was a natural, once she got the hang of it. I could see her becoming a ballerina as she got older.

My position with the orchestra paid very well, I now had more money than I'd ever dreamed of, so I bought the biggest house I could. It has an amazing view of the Eiffel Tower. 

As Charity grew up, I made sure she had the best of everything, the Best clothes, the best dance instructors, the best schools. Our nanny decided to take a job with another family with small children, so now it was just Charity and I. Charity was a beautiful child, she had her mother's hair, and her father's eyes. She was a shy child, very quiet. Her quietness was fine by me, it allowed me the concentration I needed for my work, though sometimes I did worry that she was a bit too quiet, we could go days without seeing each other, and when we did we barely spoke. 

One day Charity announced over dinner that she had decided what she wanted to be when she grew up. "Aunt Berlin, I've decided I want to become an acrobat when I grow up, we went to a show in dance class, and it's what I'm going to do too. " I nearly choked on my food. "That's nice dear, but ballet is just as nice you know." I answered. she just shrugged and went back to her dinner. Don't get me wrong, I want her to be happy, but I also want her to have the life she deserves. For the past several generations my family has struggled, I now make more than any of them, I now have the life that my ancestors dreamed of having. I'm not about to let Charity give up on all the hard work of the past generations on a whim. Ballet has a much better financial future, not to mention prestige. I refuse to let her throw away her life to become an acrobat.

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