Friday, August 19, 2016

Composer 4.8

A month passed, and the baby was almost ready to be released from the hospital. I had spent the last month getting everything ready for her. The hardest part was getting the room ready. She would be in Tanner's room, so I had to pack up all his belongings. I cried the whole time,  I donated some of his things and the rest I packed up and sent back to the caretaker at our old house, that way mom didn't have to see any of it.

I hired a live in nanny for the baby, since I worked. It may sound selfish but I had no plans to quit my job, I was going to be a famous composer, and I wasn't going to let raising my niece get in the way. I still needed to decide on a name for her, the nurses kept asking me, but I hadn't picked one out yet. Everything was ready for her, I was just waiting on the doctor to say she was strong enough to come home.

Two months after she was born I brought her home. I had to pick a name before she was released, so they could put it on her birth certificate, I named her Charity. She was still so small, but she was healthy. I loaded her up in the car and took her home. Marissa, the nanny, was waiting at the door for us, I had to work get to work, so I handed Charity to her and headed out. I finally was getting back on track with my job, with everything that had happened I had gotten behind, I had temporarily been replaced in the quartet since they still had shows they needed to perform. I hadn't played in a few months so I was a bit rusty, though I knew it wouldn't take me too long to get back to where I was.

The first week having Charity home was a bit of an adjustment, I had to get used to Marissa being there. In addition to her looking after the baby, she also looked after the house too. I would snuggle Charity before leaving for work, and again when I got home. Some nights all she did was scream, all night long. No matter what Marissa tried, she just wouldn't stop. Those nights I thought I was going to go crazy. Don't get me wrong, I loved my niece, I just wasn't cut out for the mother thing. I wasn't very good at it, I didn't really like kids.

Mom still wasn't doing well, Dad wanted to come visit and meet his granddaughter, but mom wouldn't come and he didn't want to leave her alone. I sent him pictures, and he would talk to Charity on the phone, but it wasn't the same. I hoped mom would get better, I missed her so much. Before her breakdown dad and I weren't very close, now however we had the kind of relationship a daughter should have with her father.

Time passed and it was Charity's first birthday. I had the apartment decorated in varying shades of pink, and had a cake ordered from a local bakery. It was just a small party, just Marissa and I. Marissa took plenty of pictures of me helping Charity blow out her candles. All the photos I took of Charity I put in an album for mom, I knew some day she'd come around and I didn't want her to feel like she'd missed anything.

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