Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Composer 4.4

I can't believe Tanner! He went and got married and didn't even tell me till Emily was moving in. I don't know what's gotten into him lately. Well what's done is done, though I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when he called mom and told her the news.
Emily was nice, though the situation was a bit awkward to say the least. I tried my best to get to know my new sister-in-law. She was from a small town, a crappy family, left home to come to the city when she was seventeen.  Not much to tell really. She was amazed by the apartment, and was a bit shocked when she found out who our mom was, even when mom and dad got re-married, mom never changed her name. She was still Laveau, where as Tanner and I were Wrights, so the connection was not immediately apparent. I did my best to make her feel like part of the family, though we didn't get along too well.
Since Emily didn't have a job, nor did she really need one now, she took it upon herself to take care of the house while Tanner and I were working. I think the long days alone started to get to her, cause she and Tanner started fighting quite a bit, and since their room was right across the hall from mine it was hard to miss. I tried to smooth thing over between them, but more often than not I just got caught in the middle. When they weren't fighting they were all over each other, it made living with them very uncomfortable.

The months passed much the same, alternating between fighting and loving, after one particularly bad fight I sat down with Tanner to try to talk things out. "What was this one about?" I asked. He just gave me a look and said, "I didn't make it to the dr's appointment today, I told her I would try to make it, but I got called in for an extra shift at work, so I did't make it."  "Doesn't she understand that you need the money to take care of her and the baby?" I asked. "Yea she does, she just wishes I could be more involved. I wish I could too." I knew there was more to it than that, but I wasn't going to push it. I only hoped that once the baby was born things would get better between them.

"Berlin! we're leaving now, be back later!" I heard Tanner call from the door way. He and Emily were going out for a while which gave me time to work. My progress at work had slowed down considerably since Emily had moved in. I still was part of just a quartet, still hadn't made it to the full orchestra. I was falling behind in my plan, I should have been further by now. I worked till midnight, I was more tired than I realized, as soon as I lay down I was asleep. I was woken up less than an hour later from my phone ringing, I reached over and answered it without even looking, thinking it might be mom, she was in Italy, her and dad had decided to move there when her tour was over. "Hello?" It wasn't mom....

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