Friday, November 13, 2015

Author 2.2

Life with a newborn was not easy, it definitely took some getting used to. Since I was only working part time, mom and  I took on most of Izzy's care, giving Carlotta the time she needed for work.
As soon as she was able Carlotta went back to work, too soon in my opinion, Izzy was only six weeks old. Carlotta really threw herself back into work, staying late every chance she got, which was fine, the money was nice, but she didn't spend any time with Izzy. "Why don't you ever hold Izzy?" I asked Carlotta one night as we were going to bed. Her reply shocked me. "I thought it would be different, I thought once she was born I would instantly love her, but I don't. "she said between sobs."I don't know, maybe I'm just not meant to be a mother." I didn't know what to say, so I just pulled her close and held her while she cried.

The next morning I asked mom for her advice on what Carlotta had said, "Just give her some time. Some women have a hard time adjusting to motherhood, she'll come around. Don't push her, she needs to bond with Izzy in her own time, if you try to force her, it will just push her further away." Since that was the last thing I  wanted, I took on Izzy's care full time, hoping once she was older, Carlotta would have an easier time being a mother to her.

The months past and Carlotta threw herself into work even more than before, in addition to staying late several days a week, she also would go into work early, spending most of her time away from me and Izzy, when I did see her, we always ended up fighting about the smallest things.
"You're so beautiful" I said to Carlotta as I leaned in to kiss her. As soon as I neared her she turned, so all I caught was her cheek. "Why'd you move?" I asked her. "I have to get ready for work, I don't have time for that right now." She replied as she pulled away. "I was just trying to kiss you, I miss you, you're never home anymore." I stated. "Well someone has to bring in the money, heaven knows you sure don't, all you do is sit at home and play with the baby all day!" I was dumbfounded, she had never even mentioned that she was upset that I made less than her. "Look" she started, calming down a bit. "I don't want to fight with you right now, I have to get to work" " Okay" I said. "We'll talk tonight after the party" she just stared at me as if she had no idea what I was talking about. "What party?" She asked suspiciously. "Izzy's birthday party, remember?" I answered her. "Oh" she said heading for the door, "Well, she won't remember if I'm there or not anyway" hearing her say that I snapped, grabbing her I shoved her the rest of the way out the door yelling "Get out, we don't need you anyway!" As I slammed the door behind her I heard Izzy start crying. "I'll get her" I heard mom say. She had heard the whole thing. "Maybe you were right after all" I said sinking into the dining chair. "Maybe I should have waited to marry her after all."

When mom came back down stairs with Izzy, I decided not to let Carlotta's callousness ruin Izzy's first birthday, I ran out to the store and bought a bunch of balloons. As I was blowing up the balloons mom was busy in the kitchen making the cake, when she was finished I picked up my baby girl and helped her blow out the candles. In the blink of an eye, my baby was gone, and in her place was an adorable toddler.


  1. Oh Carlotta has only gotten worse. I have a sinking feeling she's cheating on Ryu. She's always gone, not wanting any affection from him. Doesn't look good.

    So sad it's been a year and she has no relationship with their daughter. :( I see a divorce in their future. Izzy looks a lot like her father. LOL Marie has some strong genes being passed down. :) It happens.

  2. Well dang! their relation went south fast!

    I wonder if she's cheating on hims with someone from work because of how late she stays out.

    Poor Izzy, no one deserves a mom like that. At least she has her grandmother to fill in that role

    I don't see that marriage lasting much longer
