Friday, January 27, 2017

Composer 4.17


It had been over a year since Charity went missing. The police had all but given up their search, instead considering her a runaway. I knew better, yet no one would listen. Standing here on this important day, all I could think of was she's not here to share it with me. I'm getting married today. I thought back over the last year and how I had gotten here.

Not long after Charity went missing I found myself lost as well. I had retired from composing so that I could focus on Charity. I would check in with the police at least once a week, sometimes more. Well it was on one of these check ins that Michael, Detective 
Thompson, intercepted me before I even walked in the door. He invited me to go get a coffee which I accepted. While enjoying our drinks we got to talking, he was so easy to talk to. It was like talking to an old friend rather than someone I barely knew. He promised that he would personally keep me updated on Charity's case.

Michael and I met up every so often to go over any new information that came up. Over time our our meetups changed from talking over  a drink to talking over dinner. Somehow with out even realizing it we had gone from having a professional relationship to a more personal one. 

I realized I was in love with him the night my father called to tell me that mom had died. She died having never accepted Tanner's death or meeting her granddaughter. Dad was going to have her flown back to Starlight Shores to be buried behind her house. He wanted me to come, but I said no. I had lost my mom long ago. After hanging up with dad, I called Michael and asked him to come over, I didn't want to be alone. He was more than happy to come over and be with me. Once we sat down I told him all about mom's death, I started crying, and couldn't stop. He was so great, he just sat there and held me while I cried my eyes out. "I feel so alone, I've lost everyone." I said. "You're not alone. I'm here."  He answered. " Someday we will find Charity, I promise you. And whether it's good news or bad I will be right there by your side." I sat up and looked at him, he held my face in his hands and said " Berlin, I'm in love with you, I'm never leaving your side." Those words struck me to my very soul, they resonated within me with a truth that couldn't be denied. " I love you too." 

That night was six months ago. With Michael's help and support I went back to work, composing some of the most beautiful pieces. This whole experience had humbled me in a way I can't explain. Before her disappearance I took for granted my family. I thought I didn't need anyone, and I thought that just by providing Charity with the necessities that was enough. More and more I realized just how selfish I had been. If I could go back I would change so much. 

As I walk up to the doors of City Hall to meet Michael at the Justice of Peace, I'm filled with the sense that everything is going to be okay, I can't explain it but I know Charity is safe, and I can move on in my life.

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