Saturday, April 2, 2016

Rebel 3.3

College! I was here at last. I decided to go to a school across the country from where I lived. I turned eighteen the week before I left for school. we had just a small get together, just family. Dad told me I was almost the spitting image of my mother. I can't say that made me too happy as I don't much care for the woman. 

I wanted to get out, explore, be my own person. School started off her horrible though, I had put a deposit on an apartment, but since I got delayed in getting there they gave the apartment away. I had no choice but to stay in the dorms, and also as soon as I got there dad called with the bad news that Granny had passed away the night before, since I'd just gotten here, I couldn't make it back for her funeral. Man this first week was off to a bad start, and I haven't even had orientation yet.
After orientation I got my stuff all moved into my dorm room, which were co-ed by the way. Dad would flip if he knew I was living with a bunch of guys.

Right before I left for college, Granny gave me back my guitar, so since I was all settled in and didn't feel like going out, I pulled out the guitar and started to play. I sounded horrible, but since one of my classes was a music class I figured I'd better get busy learning how to play. I played the afternoon away, and crawled into bed early, I wanted to make a good impression in my classes in the morning, I planned to get there a bit early to get a good seat.

First day of classes was here. I was taking a full load of classes, where most people were only taking a light load, so I spent my first day running from class to class. When I was finally done for the day, I was so stressed I needed some fun. So I scoped out a welcome party, and spent the night getting juiced. I only had one afternoon class the next day, so I didn't come home till 2am, it was so much fun being able to stay out as late as I wanted with out getting into trouble for it. Of course the next morning when I woke up, I kinda regretted drinking as much as I did.

I soon fell into a routine, class, party, sleep, repeat. Of course I didn't leave much time for homework, but I managed to just squeak by. I decided to get more involved with the activist group on campus, and started a protest against engagement rings, I mean really? What girl really wants a ring to show she belongs to a guy. not me that's for. Anyway my protest was a success, till the cops showed up that is.


  1. hahaha the protest signs the game comes up with are funny.

    1. Hahah I love catching a protest just to see the signs.
